Lung Cancer
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Lung Cancer Articles

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Lung cancer is caused by the gene GPC5
ROCHESTER - Often we wonder why even non-smokers to be diagnosed with melanoma lung. According to a team of researchers from the Mayo Clinic of Medicine in Rochester, it would appear that the fault is attributable to a specific gene, the GPC5. No more blame the ETS, DNA is all about. Scholars have examined a group of 754 people. The sample consisted of individuals who had never smoked in their lives and others that, at most, had reached the figure of 100 cigarettes. Once the testing phase, several subjects were observed variation of chromosome 13. These anomalies have led to increase of 60% can be affected by lung cancer. Normally those who smoke about 15-20 times more likely to develop cancer in the respiratory tract, but when the gene makes his entrance, these numbers lose all meaning.

The research coordinator, Ping Yang, explained that the variants of chromosome 13 profoundly modify the structure of the gene GPC5 and profoundly affect the body on exposure to the tumor. "It's the first time - said the professor - who has found an association between a specific gene and lung cancer in people who have never smoked. But what is most important is that we discovered that the gene and its expression are involved in tumor growth. The reactions from the world of medicine, however, do not wait and invite the community to have a more cautious assessment about the discovery. Dr. Govindan, School of Medicine at Washington University, for example, notes that "many more research is needed to find confirmation of preliminary observations on lung cancer than nonsmokers and that medicine is still far from understanding how the audit findings study may be related with susceptibility to disease. " (PRIMAPRESS)

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